Quick notes about the 12 Natural Laws (Natural laws = revealed law and scientific law)
1. Law of Supremacy - What is supreme?
2. Law of Authority - Who protects the law? Reason for the government?
3. Law of Limits - Do the laws protect natural law? inalienable rights?
4. Law of Delegation - What do we do when we see wrong? Do we delegate our responsibility?
5. Law of Force - What type of force is the government using?
6. Law of Decline- When we violate natural law it leads to a lack of respect to people and law leading to disdain. Do we see hateful actions? **Law of the Harvest
7. Law of Power (Power v. Energy) - Who is trying to dominate? Where are the gaps in power?
8. Law of Gaps - Do we create/keep gaps in government power or do we eliminate gaps?
9. Law of the Vital Few - Few ordinary people who do extraordinary things - Who do we choose to lead us?
10. Law of Liberty - Who is losing power?
11. Law of Economy - Power at the lowest level - Who is responsible for our duties and rights?
12. Law of Progress - Need the freedom to grow & progress - Who controls our actions - You or someone else?