As I was re-reading this book I noticed how much the book talk about feuds. Why do we feud so much? Why do we seek revenge and not let things go? Why is the warrior so much a focus in writings? The Iliad is a long feud...and then a feud within a feud. Why is this such a common theme?
The warrior is a common theme in our literature, sometimes just named differently through time. I can think of many books along these lines: Ender's game (Most of Orson Scott Card), L'Amour books, Sanderson books, Tolkien books, and many others. We seem to still be grappling with this idea of what an ideal man is. What makes a man a good warrior or hero? Why? Why is it so important for us to be remembered?
One question posed by Prof Fears was "How will you handle trouble? as a warrior with honor or with pride? "
I liked this question and have wondered how would I handle trouble? Of course I don't know that I am facing a Grendel but maybe I am after all. It just acts, looks, and smells different then the monster in this story. What is the best way to handle the troubles we are facing? Is it important to me to leave a legacy of greatness and what does that look like for me?