I agree very much that the foundation of our civilization should be the family. I just don’t believe you can legislate morality or culture. People must choose to create a family culture. Cities and states may make laws about Sabbath hours, but the federal government should not. However, having Sabbath laws does not mean that people will choose to spend this time with their family. They could be doing that now regardless of the laws.
I agree very much that the tax law needs to be changed but changed to support free enterprise (all are equal before the law – no special rules for any group). Anything less is not in line with the Declaration of Independence. Trying to legislate everything creates the environment we have now – full of corruption and abuse. In my opinion anything that creates classes or maintains classes is against true freedom. Regardless of its intentions. To me any other form of economic system will create classes (to include Distributism, Socialism, Corporatism, mercantilism, crony capitalism, etc.). There is a lot of helpful information in the books ‘Free Enterprise vs. Capitalism and Socialism’ and ‘The Coming Aristocracy’ by Oliver DeMille.
Both books helped me express clearly where I disagreed with the author’s point. Without these books I would have still disagreed about some of the proposals but not been able to express clearly what I disagreed with nor could I name clearly the system that the author was talking about but not naming himself. Without digging deeper into this author’s beliefs, I don’t really think this author supports the Freedom Party that Oliver DeMille explained in ‘The Coming Aristocracy’ which is: Localist, Free-enterprising, Entrepreneurial, Familial, Individualistic, Creative, and Connective. They are loyal to principles and people. (p. 45-46)
Kevin Roberts talks about Familial, localist, entrepreneurial, and creative but his approach is through government force (regulation and law). Doesn’t sound like it is based on the economy of free enterprise or the society of democracy (see Free Enterprise vs Capitalism and Socialism). After reading this book, I felt that the author wants to just create a different aristocracy in America called the New Conservative Movement. I would prefer to see programs that move us away from class systems and special rules for special groups. I would prefer to see us all equal before the law (tax and regulation) and that we have more freedom from government. I prefer the ideas of Free Enterprise Economies and Societal Democracy (small local focus for most of our needs with the old-fashioned town meetings involvement).