The author writes: "There is nothing to take a man's freedom away from him, save other men. To be free, a man must be free of his brothers. That is freedom. That and nothing else”.
I disagree with this definition of freedom. We are not meant to roam the world alone with no responsibility to anyone. The man character has children. I believe he is responsible to them in many ways. He created them and is responsible in providing for them. That means he must lose some of his freedoms to take care of what he created. You can't have freedom without responsibility to others. There is also no freedom from anxiety, work, or survival without community. One man roaming the world who is "free" is living very poorly and will be very lonely. In order to have freedom there must be the protection and support of the community and family. It can't just be free to do all or what you would like, there must be guards or protections in place to protect all not just one. Freedom requires responsibility or it is not truly freedom.